Tuesday, July 15, 2008

tidal currents

ebb and flow
temperatures fluctuating in the currents of water
reflected into the air we breathe
as we wade
chest deep and together
striding slow motion into the resistance of liquid
landing blind onto sand and rock
or the flutter of subaqueous fauna


cascading sunshine

Saturday, July 5, 2008


acuminate bicuspid.
falcate fusiform filament.
hyaline lanceolate.

earth-metal, bones in the surf
the sand is warm, sedimentary, granular
saturated with lapping seawater

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

low tides

Today we spent a few hours in the ocean,
and on the sand, and in the mud, drenched in sun
wading in the surf, stepping on clams and chirping
whenever small flathead fish darted into our feet.
we oogled dogs of all sizes, and fish and birds and crabs.
the salty ocean air smelled fresh and sweet
as it passed us over on it's westerly breeze.
we observed life, in it's active energies and in it's absence
we observed death, drenched in sunlight.