Wednesday, October 22, 2008

coloured orbs in the dusk

it takes time for your eyes to adjust to darkness. while your pupils dilate, use a combination of meandering dream shapes and vivid imagination to re-orient yourself within the parameters of your newly unknown surroundings.

newly unknown though they may be, truly unknown they are not. your surroundings are composed of the individual components which make up all experience... you have been here before, but it was not you, and they were not here.

being surrounded by an unfamiliar configuration can feel disorienting. it is common to experience the urge to discern, or grasp at things before they have re-atomized.

do not grasp. just be present. clear. sentient. interactive.

wherever it is, that you are.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

tidal currents

ebb and flow
temperatures fluctuating in the currents of water
reflected into the air we breathe
as we wade
chest deep and together
striding slow motion into the resistance of liquid
landing blind onto sand and rock
or the flutter of subaqueous fauna


cascading sunshine

Saturday, July 5, 2008


acuminate bicuspid.
falcate fusiform filament.
hyaline lanceolate.

earth-metal, bones in the surf
the sand is warm, sedimentary, granular
saturated with lapping seawater

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

low tides

Today we spent a few hours in the ocean,
and on the sand, and in the mud, drenched in sun
wading in the surf, stepping on clams and chirping
whenever small flathead fish darted into our feet.
we oogled dogs of all sizes, and fish and birds and crabs.
the salty ocean air smelled fresh and sweet
as it passed us over on it's westerly breeze.
we observed life, in it's active energies and in it's absence
we observed death, drenched in sunlight.

Monday, June 30, 2008


long grain cells of wood, washed down by the waves and sand

Saturday, June 14, 2008

into deep

feel the air move through your hair
over the plains of your skin
feel the air that has moved across all else
move across you
and feel it all course into you
feel it channel through your chest
and swirl in excruciating bliss
as it disperses back into itself

now who are you?

Friday, June 13, 2008

i can has hugz?

it's all i want today.

Monday, June 9, 2008

internal capacity

the journey home, or back to origin
was overwhelming bitter-sweet
filled with tears and laughter
and lifetimes of memories crossing generations.
i spent 3 days in the branches of an old growth tree
open to both the sky and the earth
feeling the sunlight and rains beat down into it.

when a tree grows,
from seed to towering sentinel
it stretches, and swells with life,
and branches to disperse itself.
as it branches, it thickens and hardens,
growing by addition
of new substances outwards
it becomes, in it's oldest extremities,
a conduit for the transmittance of life.

and i am in awe, and filling with life

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

oh gorgeous detritus

plants, organics, organs... deteriorating,
cyclical blossoming organs
sky-bound, overlapping fibrous organs
explode into lavish bronchial arrays
panting with life
booming and thundering silent breath and surge
crowning, splintering,
fibrous expounded collapse

rocks, bones, and teeth in the earth~

there is an idea that all things echo one another in basic form, a theory of chaos... an idea about the mathematical structuring of things within the natural world, unfurling like the tip of a fern, or the shell of nautilus... the branches of a tree, or the tributaries of a river... basic, mathematical, natural forms that echo from the largest mountains to the smallest cellular communities of decomposition in the sapwood of an old growth trunk,

we dive headlong into the open mouths of a fractals

Saturday, May 10, 2008

oceanic woodworking

"are we
like schools of fish
or flocks of birds
flashing scales or feathers
in unison
attuned to life
ignorant of illusion
if so
then hope"

--- C. L.


I have become captivated lately by the concept of subjectivity... The idea that each individual consciousness possesses it's own unique, sense-derived perspective of reality. Reality is unified, there is one, and we are all experiencing it in our own way, so our experiences are predominantly individual... but not entirely. There are moments which we share, between two or more individuals, where the level of receptivity to the experience between the individuals becomes unified. Invisible barriers are transcended in a shimmer of inaudible clicks and bleeps... An exchange of subatomic particles bears evidence to the fact that no one is an island all of the time, as our experiences intertwine over the plains of unified reality, and life tingles warmly at the intersections.

we are dancing.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

warm rays on new days

adventure is on the winds
rustling the feathers of spring

here, we are being.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

non-duality of the birch

waiting at the forests edge.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


As we orbit the grass gently, we curling arcs of us coloured yarns lifting over plains of quiet

mumbling secrets hidden openly, missing old colours we have forgotten how to recognize or

perceive, we perspire, and exhale us coloured steam that billows into cloud and fog which we

aspire to perfect, while the old open secrets lay silent and mumbling far, far beneath us.

Friday, April 18, 2008

good vibrations

quiet time. dim hum resonance and flow

i am alive

and ecstatic to be so.

and some of my atoms are yours for a time, and some of yours are mine.

i give thanks

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

out of sight

sometimes i imagine that people are looking at me. everyone is looking at me, and watching what i am doing, and wearing and eating and thinking and silently being. i imagine this all pervading observatory presence until it begins to bear it's weight upon me, bending my thoughts and actions in subtle ways that eat away at the roots connecting me to now.

why do the self perceived expectations and judgments of other people cause me to shift myself away from my deep true self, and into the reflective shallows of self analysis and doubt.

tomorrow i will imagine myself transparent, and free to eat, walk and breathe singularly. i will do as i am doing, and be there to witness it happening.

and then, when all is said and done, maybe i will be able to view the other people around me as free floating and transparent, in a clear ocean of non-grasping.


i am almost awake